• IBM’s Secret to Success


    I was recently browsing through Michael Gerber’s acclaimed business book, The E-Myth Revisited. I stumbled upon a compelling excerpt from Tom Watson, the founder of IBM. Below, you’ll find Watson’s thoughts on the key factors that contributed to IBM’s secret to success. Watson articulated that IBM’s achievements can be attributed to three significant elements. Firstly,…

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  • Lately, I’ve been reflecting on something I’d like to share….what do you focus on? When you go out—whether it’s to a nightclub, a party, or any social event—your entire experience there hinges on what you choose to focus on. We can consciously concentrate on only a limited number of things at any given time. For…

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  • Morning Routines


    Have you ever considered what traits enable successful individuals to launch their day with energy and a clear sense of purpose? The answer lies in their morning routines. While each person may have their own unique start to the day, there are common threads that tie these routines together, all aimed at setting a positive…

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  • One of the most recent books I’ve read is Champions Body For Life by Art Carey, which serves as a sequel to Bill Phillips’ well-known Body For Life Challenge. Champions Body For Life tells the inspiring stories of two Body For Life Challengers, Alexa Adair and Mark Unger, both of whom emerged victorious in the…

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  • I recently picked up “The Inner Game of Tennis” by Timothy Gallwey. This was primarily to explore how the inner dynamics of sports and life influence our external experiences. Gallewey did not disappoint me. Gallewey presents the notion of the inner game, specifically in the context of tennis. However, the insights and principles he shares…

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